Strategic Framework
Frameworks are a great way to standardise the language and common practices in a professional domain like project management. At Mindavation we understand that the framework will bring you to level one and we provide all the consulting and accredited training to get you there quickly. However we also know that the fun starts at level 2 where a framework hits your reality. This is where human behaviour and organisational dynamics come into play. This is where the size and nature of an organisation determine its ability to adopt change and ultimately how a framework will be implemented. But this is also where a adopting a framework can achieve positive and lasting benefits and its value can reach far beyond having a common language to define a profession. Some of the frameworks that Mindavation can help you with are PMBOK, PRINCE2, MSP, SAFe, VAl-IT and ITIL. We help clients matching their existing practices and materials with industry frameworks to get up to speed quickly with proven and familiar artifacts, yet making sure everyones information needs are met across the lifecycle stages of the framework.