Project, Program and Portfolio Management
Projects are unique undertakings with a defined start and end date, scope and resources, planned to accomplish a singular goal. Many organisations struggle with this as they are process oriented and lack the structures and discipline to manage projects effectively. Mindavation helps with the basic knowledge to set this up. We help drive your project initiatives, from inception to implementation, creating the organisational awareness and capabilities required to continue a project approach to getting work done.
As many organisations acquire the capability maturity to govern and mange projects effectively, they come to the realisation that obtaining strategic benefits requires another set of capabilities. We call this program management, where over a longer period of time we coordinate and control multiple projects and initiatives to achieve strategic outcomes. Managing benefits and risk, stakeholders and change are all at a different level of size and complexity compared to in a project. Mindavators have led the initiation of programs, developing the business case, the planning of resourcing, procurement, engagement, governance, compliance and benefits realisation for many major programs of work and can bring the experience to do this well for your organisation.
If Projects and Programs are running well, the next challenge is to ensure investments are made that best support the organisation’s strategic objectives. Programs and Projects are usually the main carriers of capital expenditure and as such Portfolio Management is the key control for future performance. Mindavation uses the Val-IT (Cobit) framework to create clarity in portfolio management governance and focuses on leadership driving transparency in all investment decisions across the organisation and supporting the subsequent reduction of sovereignty for individual managers, as there will be less bandwidth to initiate pet projects, continue projects without the required benefits or approving projects that do not meet agreed criteria for opportunity, risk and organisational constraints.