We Support
Our definition of a service is having the benefits of an asset without having the ownership of that asset. A Test Service, for example, would allow consumers of that service to enter tests and results and create reports without having to configure and maintain a test tool. A service definition would describe the functionality, how to get access, what it will cost, how to get help or request improvements, what reports to expect and what the planned ava…
Organisations introduce changes to their products and services to stay relevant and they also want those changes to deliver specific benefits. Benefits generally kick in when a project is finished, but are we sure? Did we translate the project business case into operational KPIs and metrics that are measured and owned? Or did the project manager and project team move on to new initiatives and no one is left to own the benefits realisation? How do you create an organisational capability for benefits realisation and a performance based culture? Where do you start? These are questions Mindavation has answers to. We love to help you set this up.
Capability alignment is essentially ensuring that you have the right people with the right skills to perform the functions required to run your organisation.
The process begins by identifying your Organisation’s core functions, or “Foundation Capabilities”. Each capability is unique and describes only “What” your organisation does, not “How” it is done or by “Who”. As you drill down into each capability you will begin to identify patterns and duplication, which can be streamlined and in some cases provide great insights into operational improvements.
Building a Capability Model will provide your organisation with a structure that defines all functions and holds all processes, translating directly into competencies and skillsets. Your organisation will have the necessary tools to equip you in defining the necessary roles and the organisational structure to support them.
Mindavation can help by bringing the key people together in your organisation and facilitating the Capability Modelling creation process, helping you identify the unique functions of your organisation and aligning the right people with the right skills to perform more efficiently.
Oganisations introduce changes to their products and services to stay relevant and they also want those changes to deliver specific benefits. Benefits generally kick in when a project is finished, but are we sure? Did we translate the project business case into operational KPIs and metrics that are measured and owned? Or did the project manager and project team move on to new initiatives and no one is left to own the benefits realisation? How do you create an organisational capability for benefits realisation and a performance based culture? Where do you start? These are questions Mindavation has answers to. We love to help you set this up.
Mindavation has a wealth of knowledge, industry best practices, frameworks, methodologies and all things that make organisations successful and we do not see these as deliverables with an intrinsic value. Real value comes when experienced practitioners leverage the right knowledge relative to an organisations maturity level and ability to adopt change. Mindavators scar based experience and structure these artifacts in capability, process, organisation, architecture, governance models, not as a means, but as a purpose, to facilitate change and agility. Allow Mindavation to save you from wearing scars on your back by finding the right fit for your organisation.
In an increasingly fast moving and complex world, swift and prudent decision making as it relates to projects and programs is critical for success. Project governance – the roles, responsibilities, decision making processes and standard guidance given to project managers and their teams is at the heart of this critical governance role. Project sponsors, as the leaders of this project governance process, must be aware of their responsibilities and be willing to dedicate time to the sponsorship process. This workshop ensures that governance efforts are efficient, effective and allows the executive sponsor to support their projects without being burdened by them.
Information is one of the most important assets of an organisation. If managed well it enables value creation beyond any other asset. The reality is that information is often locked up in domain specific systems and formats, inside peoples heads and safely within organisation silos. Information can’t be found or trusted. At Mindavation we have helped numerous clients with restoring the love and care for their structured and unstructured data, for lessons learned, best practices and reusable patterns. We help organisations implement proven governance, management and design practices to ensure data, information and knowledge can be fully leveraged where it matters most: in creating a competitive advantage.
Being a good leader requires a range of skills, behaviours and attitudes and mindset. A leader develops people and helps them succeed. Leadership is about vision, taking risks, and purpose and achievement in the face of change and adversity. Mindavation thrives on deleloping leadership capabilities by helping clarifying values, human behaviour, self awareness by formal training and by individual coaching, results are lasting and often life changing. We beleive that leadership is not just something you perform during working hours.
Having clear goals does not automatically warrant great outcomes. Breaking down the end goal (strategic outcomes or mission) into clear outcome streams with intermediate outcomes (like capabilities to be created) and all the underpinning initiatives and assumptions, helps to get all stakeholders on the same page. Our Outcomes mapping workshops deliver real value fast, as we bring the right people together to make sure nothing gets missed and all dependencies, assumptions and risks are put on the table. The fun of mapping the outcomes together is creating a joint understanding of what is required and why it is important. This is a great change management tool as nothing shows a strategy better than having your agreed organisation specific value roadmap on one sheet of paper.
Project Managment Office (PMOs) are a popular instrument to create enterprise level project governance. Avoiding surprises by centrally tracking project metrics, risk, dependencies and quality is indeed a good practice. However sometimes PMO initiatives go under in a sea of methodology, templates and administrative burden. Having the right level of governance for each type of project is important to ensure the cost of control does not outweigh the benefits of risk avoidance. Mindavation can help find this balance and helps clients to get the most value out of a PMO initiative quickly. We point out the prerequisites and steps to implement good project governance, and save our clients from a world of pain.
At Mindavation we help clients with Project Portfolio Management, to make sure that the governance, tools and practices are in place to select the right project proposals, based on value, risks and constraints. Mindavation takes a pragmatic approach that ensure that any change initiative is understood within the context of achieving the organisations strategic objectives and operational delivery models. Mindavation ensures all demand and funding to be matched in a transparent process, with clear decision making criteria. The portfolio is then balanced over short and long term initiatives, strategic and operational. Mindavation ensures success of portfolio decision making and managment delivers the outcomes that are required by the organisation.
Thinking in services is a powerful thing as it changes the focus from processes to clients, from technology to creating value. Having a defined service portfolio means that all the value that can be derived from a set of assets is known and agreed (often in Service Level Agreements). Mindavation loves bringing the pieces together that reside within your organisation (or available from elsewhere) to create the receipe that you will follow in achieving the outcomes your assets, processes and services deliver.
Value streams are set of activities that in sequence deliver a clear and measurable value to an organisation or customer. Mindavation helps identifiy your value streams found across your organisations processes and functions to ensure the organisations efforts are what is needed an expected from internal and external customers.
Mindavation was approached by a multinational business which, over several years, had grown through acquisition. The organisations involved in the acquisition activity were merged into a single business entity, but never integrated from a business process standpoint. Inefficiencies, antiquated processes, and restrictive supporting systems were hampering the continued growth and viability of the business.
Managing peoples information in a secure enviiorment would just need a CRM (Client Relationship Management System). Processes were being written to reflect the solution design (IT CRM SAP Implementation) and the project was trying to use these processes to drive change. The project had evolved over time and had lost sight of it’s original capability model. Project resource churn saw much of the IP leave the business and the project delivery was in disarray. Turning around a troubled project was needed, and neded quickly
To hold a licence to retail gas in Victoria, it is a regulatory requirement to submit a Gas Safety Case. The Gas Safety Case is a document that describes how the retailer will meet all of the obligations set out by Energy Safe Victoria and the Gas Safety Act 1997
In an increasingly fast moving and complex world, swift and prudent decision making as it relates to projects and programs is critical for success. Project governance – the roles, responsibilities, decision making processes and standard guidance given to project managers and their teams is at the heart of this critical governance role. Project sponsors, as the leaders of this project governance process, must be aware of their responsibilities and be willing to dedicate time to the sponsorship process. This workshop ensures that governance efforts are efficient, effective and allows the executive sponsor to support their projects without being burdened by them.
An Oil and Gas company head quartered in Adelaide, embarked on a program of work, to create enterprise level capabilities for managing and integrating data. The key projects to deliver these new capabilities where to Integrate Core Technical Databasesand Subsurface Engineering Data Management. Sounds easy until you need to factor in Quality, Assuranance, Accessibility and Accessibility across three distinct data layers.
Having clear goals does not automatically warrant great outcomes. Breaking down the end goal (strategic outcomes or mission) into clear outcome streams with intermediate outcomes (like capabilities to be created) and all the underpinning initiatives and assumptions, helps to get all stakeholders on the same page. Our Outcomes mapping workshops deliver real value fast, as we bring the right people together to make sure nothing gets missed and all dependencies, assumptions and risks are put on the table. The fun of mapping the outcomes together is creating a joint understanding of what is required and why it is important. This is a great change management tool as nothing shows a strategy better than having your agreed organisation specific value roadmap on one sheet of paper.
Portfolio, Program or Project Management Office? The “P” is confusing for a number of organsations who are looking to centralise, govern and enable their change inititaives across the organisation. PMO’s come in many shapes, sizes, configurations. Scarily, most PMOs can not articulate or deliver against their value and close within 2 years of establishment. Mindavation helps PMOs and organisations truly undrtanding the type of PMO they are needing and understand truly why they need one. learn how Mindavation took a loval view and turned into a gloabl enabling service.
A large multi-national bank had a problem. Success was pinned against key business change and new international initiatives. While there was risk real attached, the board knew the result was the banks future. Unfortunately, those same programs where now at risk. The pressure was mounting on the bank’s program and project managers who were facing the need to deliver projects of escalating complexity
Over the last 4 years a large multinational medical instruments business had grown significantly through an highly successful acquisition strategy. Each acquisition brought new products, new markets and new customers, and business was booming. However the board was worried.
A government agency was dealing with significant information technology struggles. Their Information Computing Technology (ICT) department wasn’t appropriately meeting the agency’s increasing and quickly changing demands. The proposed solution to address this was to outsource the management and delivery of information technology services. Mindavation, with its extensive outsourcing management, project management and transition experience, was asked to spearhead the effort to select, negotiate, and manage the transition of information technology support from the government agency to the outsourcer.
A global pharmacutical company was looking to significanntly expand its product range and sales program, though thier handling of processes and surrounding master data around the products that were imported and sold need to cbe consolidated. The significant business issues with supply chain and poor end stock positions, significantly impacted the proportion of out of stock items at any one time due to master data problems. Someting was needed to bring all the diffeent parts of the business onto the same page.
Projects rarely fail due to technical problems. The most common reason for failed projects stems from the inability to effectively communicate with others. Project management is an art and your success is dependent upon your ability to swiftly navigate the day-to-day challenges of working with others. This seminar will challenge and hone communication skills for the various interactions with team members, management, customers, vendors and sponsors that a project manager must deal with throughout the life of a project. The course will focus on personality types, how to understand and develop your team members, developing your leadership skills, conflict management, negotiation skills, motivating your team, interacting with management and executives, and how to make tough decisions easier.
Arguably the most vital partnership in the project world is the partnership between the project manager and the sponsor. Unfortunately, the project manager-sponsor partnership is the one most often described through gnashed teeth. The good news is… it doesn’t have to be this way!
This workshop will examine different sponsorship and governance approaches, the pros and cons of each, and how to tailor the project management approach for each of these sponsorship schemes. Attendees will work through an assessment of the degree of trust and sponsorship knowledge that resides with the sponsor, and what to do as a result. The workshop presents the project manager-sponsor partnership as a process, and addresses the pitfalls and strengths that a process approach can surface. How to create the sponsorship process at the start of the project and how to recover a sponsorship process that is failing is a major focus of the workshop.
At the forefront of a successful sponsorship approach is an effective decision making process. This workshop concludes with an examination of various successful decision making schemes and the customization of a personalized sponsorship management worksheet that attendees can apply in their workplace.
Status is something we do, not something we are anyone with whom you interact, be it your boss, your customer, your co-worker or a vendor, the dynamics of the interaction impact your business. Learning how to recognize, understand and harness dynamics will open your eyes to a new and advantageous under-the-surface mode of communication. Experiencing and exploring proven improvisational techniques and principles, participants will discover how to optimize their relationships to generate desired results.
It has long been discussed that technology has made our world “smaller” and we are more interconnected than ever. Whether it is a crisis or a celebration, our public (whether they are our employees, teams, supervisors, etc.) often expects “immediate” action and decisiveness. As such, leadership is evolving and different skills and abilities are required – specifically the ability to adapt. More and more often we are tested and measured by the situations we face in which we must make take action without a known or proven “good” or “right” answer. Adaptive leadership can support you and your organisation with growth, gaining a competitive edge, ensuring sustainability and more. Learning how to recognise, understand and improve your personal adaptive leadership will give you access to new and different ways to more successfully respond, instead of react, to the many opportunities in your business environment. In this fun and fully interactive workshop, you will experience and explore proven improvisational techniques and principles, designed to help you grow and effectively become more adaptive as a leader.
A strategic project you’re working on is going to require that people change the way they do their work, or who they work with, or what they care about, or how they’re performance is measured, or….. you get the picture! Organizations reach their goals through projects; projects require that people change. BUT – as a wise man once told me, “The only person who really likes change is a wet baby – and even they usually kick and scream throughout the change process!”
How can we help your organisation?