To hold a licence to retail gas in Victoria, it is a regulatory requirement to submit a Gas Safety Case.
The Gas Safety Case is a document that describes how the retailer will meet all of the obligations set out by Energy Safe Victoria and the Gas Safety Act 1997.
The Challenge
An external Gas Safety audit was carried out revealing a number of gaps that needed addressing. In response to the audit further analysis uncovered that the Gas Safety Case itself was extremely out of date and many of the registers
and frameworks described in the document were intended but never implemented, leaving huge gaps in information, reporting, tracking and business ownership. As a result, there was a danger of non-compliance.
The Solution
Before the audit recommendations could be addressed it was necessary to fully understand the state of the Gas Safety Case document. An interim plan was put in place to extract and document all obligatory activities from the case, understand frequency of obligation and assign business owners. This ensured that all regulatory actions required were continued seamlessly while updates could begin on the Gas Safety Case itself.
In response to the audit, a training plan was developed to ensure all Induction and refresher training was delivered, tracked and could be reported on. To cater for the high volume of participants requiring refresher training, an online module was created, leaving the more technical training as instructor led.
A dedicated business owner was appointed to manage the updates and ongoing maintenance of the Gas Safety Case and ensure all necessary updates are submitted to Energy Safe Victoria.
Program Outcomes
The business now has the framework in place to support ongoing updates to the Gas Safety Case and the forum to ensure that they are always prepared in the event of a gas emergency.
The development of an online training module for refresher training has cut expense and training time considerably and removes the risk associated with taking staff away from customers.
All audit recommendations have been completed and the business is now fully compliant.

Haydn is a great colleague to work with. His Business & IT Service management knowlegde is truly outstanding, He knows how to help organizations transform to higher maturity levels. In the complex situations where Haydn and I worked in he alway stepped the extra mile to get to the desired results.
Stef van Rookhuijzen
Country Manager Software